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作者:章秀  刘萍  林慧萍  金黑鹰  冷强  王小峰 
单位:南京中医药大学第三附属医院 全国肛肠医疗中心,江苏 南京 210001
关键词:结直肠癌 筛查 大便隐血试验 结肠镜 


Objective: To analysis the primary outcomes of colorectal cancer(CRC) screening in Nanjing. Methods: A CRC screening program was started from January 2010 by using feces occult blood test(FOBT) and colonoscopy in Nanjing. All the people older than 40 yrs or the younger ones who had cancer family history were encouraged to join the screening. Results: Overall 850 participants took part in the screening, 722 participants who had FOBT positive were screened by colonoscopy. After the colonoscopy, 37 participants were diagnosed with CRC, and 222 participants were detected with polyps, and 170 participants were diagnosed with other benign colorectal diseases. 15 of the CRC patients who had surgery in our center all had pathological degree of one degree. The Logistic regress analysis of the relationship between symptoms and colorectal tumors showed that rectal bleeding and constipation could indicate the CRC. Conclusion: Screening is an effective strategy for reducing the morbility and mortality of CRC. It is necessary to carry out CRC screening in average risk population especially the ones with rectal bleeding or constipation.


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