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作者:唐雪莲  梁绮文  王芳  刘植华  刘庆芝  叶梦兰 
单位:南方医科大学附属深圳市妇幼保健院生殖科, 广东 深圳 518028
关键词:宫颈癌 宫颈癌筛查 认知 社区妇女 妇科门诊患者 

目的: 分别描述深圳市社区妇女和妇科门诊患者对于宫颈癌的认知及其筛查情况,并进行比较,为制定宫颈癌防治工作方案提供依据。方法: 采用随机整群抽样的方法,抽取罗湖区某社区本市户籍妇女440名及深圳市某市级医院妇科门诊就诊病人400例为研究人群,采用自行设计问卷进行调查。结果: 社区研究对象宫颈癌及其筛查知识的得分为(3.48±2.45)分,门诊研究对象得分为(4.85±3.43)分,妇科门诊患者对宫颈癌及其筛查知识的得分明显高于社区妇女(P<0.05)。社区及妇科门诊妇女防癌知识水平、婚姻状况、职业影响着宫颈癌筛查率,90%以上的社区妇女及妇科门诊妇女认为有必要在社区或妇科门诊开展宫颈癌筛查。结论: 深圳市妇科门诊患者对于宫颈癌及其筛查的认知程度较社区妇女高,社区妇女宫颈癌筛查率较门诊妇女低,近3年筛查率均不足50%,对社区及门诊妇女开展宫颈癌防治的宣传教育及筛查均有着巨大的社会需求及必要性。

Objective: To provide guidance for cervical cancer prevention and control work by comparison study on cognition and screening of cervical cancer between community females and gynecological outpatients of Shenzhen. Methods: Random cluster sampling was applied to survey 440 females in certain community and 400 gynecological outpatients from certain hospital in Shenzhen with serf-designed questionnaire. Results: Females in community (score was 3.48±2.45)had loss knowledge about cervical cancer prevention than gynecological outpatients (score was 4.85±3.43). The screening rate was influenced by womens information level of cervical cancer prevention,marital status and occupation. More than 90% women considered it was necessary to evolve extensive propaganda and education of cervical cancer prevention and screening. Conclusions: There is lower degree of cognition of cervical cancer from females in community than gynecological outpatients. And The screening rate in females in community is lower than that in gynecological out-patient department. The screening rate for cervical cancer is less than 50% in the recent three years. There is a high demand for propaganda and education of cervical cancer prevention and screening for community females and gynecological outpatients of Shenzhen.


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