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Role of intravenous immunoglobulin in suspected or proven neonatal sepsis
单位:1. School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China;
2. Department of Pediatrics, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China
关键词:neonatal sepsis  intravenous immunoglobulin  review article 

Neonatal sepsis remains the major cause of mortality and morbidity including neurodevelopmental impairment and prolonged hospital stay in newborn infants. Despite of advances in technology and optimal antibiotic tre-atment, incidence of neonatal sepsis and its complications remains unacceptably high especially in developing countries. Premature neonates in particular are at higher risk due to developmentally immature host defence mecha-nisms. Though not approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) U.S.A, off label use of intravenous immunoglobulin as prophylactic or adjuvant agent in suspected or proven neonatal infections continues in many countries. In a recent large multicenter clinical trial by International Neonatal Immunotherapy Study (INIS) group, the use of polyvalent IgG immune globulin was not associated with significant differences in the risk of major com-plications or other adverse outcomes in neonates with suspected or proven sepsis. Hence, use of intravenous immu-noglobulin in suspected or proven neonatal sepsis is not recommended. The expense of prophylactic use of intrave-nous immunoglobulin administration for both term and preterm newborn population, given the minimal benefit as demonstrated by many individual studies and by meta-analysis is not justified.

Neonatal sepsis remains the major cause of mortality and morbidity including neurodevelopmental impairment and prolonged hospital stay in newborn infants. Despite of advances in technology and optimal antibiotic tre-atment, incidence of neonatal sepsis and its complications remains unacceptably high especially in developing countries. Premature neonates in particular are at higher risk due to developmentally immature host defence mecha-nisms. Though not approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) U.S.A, off label use of intravenous immunoglobulin as prophylactic or adjuvant agent in suspected or proven neonatal infections continues in many countries. In a recent large multicenter clinical trial by International Neonatal Immunotherapy Study (INIS) group, the use of polyvalent IgG immune globulin was not associated with significant differences in the risk of major com-plications or other adverse outcomes in neonates with suspected or proven sepsis. Hence, use of intravenous immu-noglobulin in suspected or proven neonatal sepsis is not recommended. The expense of prophylactic use of intrave-nous immunoglobulin administration for both term and preterm newborn population, given the minimal benefit as demonstrated by many individual studies and by meta-analysis is not justified.


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