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作者:朱雪萍 张瑞宣 孙朝琪 
关键词:高胆红素血症 婴儿 新生 疾病 随访研究 预后 

目的:探讨高胆红素血症(简称高胆) 新生儿血清胆红素水平对其远期预后的影响.方法:对63例高胆新生儿作1~8.5年远期随访,并作智能、神经系统及体格检查.结果:19例(30.2%)有程度不等的智能异常;7例(11.1%)有神经系统异常;1例(1.6%)有体格发育异常.智能、神经系统及体格发育异常与血清胆红素水平无显著相关性.异常者约半数血清胆红素水平<340 μmol*L-1.溶血组与非溶血组异常率差异在智能及神经系统方面有显著意义.除重度高胆外,轻、中度高胆(无论溶血与否)也可对新生儿产生永久性神经毒性作用,导致精神神经发育异常.结论:单凭血清胆红素水平并不能确切预测高胆远期预后.对新生儿高胆,尤其是溶血性高胆更应积极防治,以减少后遗症的发生.

Objective  To investigate long-term effect of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Methods  Intelligence, nervous system and physical growth in 63 children at 1-8.5 years of age who had neonatal indirect hyperbilirubinemia were analyzed. Results  19 cases(30.2%) had intelligence retardation to different extent, 7 cases(11.1%) had neurological abnormalities, and 1 case(1.6%) had abnormal physical growth. There was no significant correlation between the long-term abnormal outcome and the serum bilirubin level. In about half of the cases who experienced unfavourable outcome, the serum bilirubin level was under 340?μmol·L    -1. There were significant differences of frequency of abnormal intelligence and nervous system between the hemolytic and the non-hemolytic groups, which suggested that not only severe, but also slight and moderate hyperbilirubinemia, resulting from both hemolytic and non-hemolytic disease, exerted permanent neurotoxicity to new born infant resulting in abnormal psycho-neurological development.Conclusions  Serum bilirubin level dose not precisely predict long-term  outcome. Neonatal indirect hyperbilirubinemia, especially due to hemolytic disease should be prevented and treated more aggressively to minimize psycho-neurological sequellae.


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