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作者:陈晓鹏1 彭淑牖2 史留斌2 彭承宏2 刘颖斌2 吴育连2 徐斌2 
单位:1.皖南医学院弋矶山医院,普外科,安徽,芜湖,241001; 2.浙江大学附属第二医院,外科,浙江,杭州,310009
关键词:肝切除术 肝肿瘤/外科学 囊肿/外科学 
分类号:R657.3, R735.7


Objective  To explore the value of hepatectomy in treating benign occupied disease of the liver.Method  A retrospective study was made on the clinical data of 47 patients with hepatic benign occupied disease who underwent hepatectomy from January 1994 to Augest 2000.Of all the patients,there were 26 cases of liver hemangioma,7 liver cyst,3 inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver,11 other benign liver diseases (including hepatic tuberculoma,hepatic adenoma and liver hamartoma, etc.).Results  Hepatectomy was performed on left lateral lobes (n=18),tumor region of the left or right lobes (n=14),total or partial right posterior lobes (n=8),right half liver (n=3),partial right anterior lobes (n=2),left half liver (n=1) and heterotopic liver cyst on pancreatic head (n=1),respectively.Occluding tapes for total blood flow were applied to 9 cases before hepatectomy,and autotransfusions to 2 cases during operation.Postoperative complications including subphrenic infection and biliary leak occurred in 5 patients.All the 47 patients were cured.Conclusions  For most benign occupied diseases of the liver with symptoms or suspicious malignancy,hepatectomy safe and effective is the main method of therapy as well as diagnosis.Complete hepatic vascular occlusion and autotransfusion can improve the safety of hepatectomy.


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