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作者:仉立辉1  宫建2  李宁3  纪忠杰4  杨朋5  朴哲6  杨传家7  刘臻7 
单位:1. 北京市中西医结合医院 超声室, 北京 100039;
2. 沈阳药科大学生命科学与生物制药学院 临床药学教研室, 辽宁 沈阳 110016;
3. 北京普仁医院 普外科, 北京 100001;
4. 丹东市中医院 CT科, 辽宁 丹东 118000;
5. 沈阳市第四人民医院 干诊科, 辽宁 沈阳 110031;
关键词:糖尿病 甲状腺结节 彩色多普勒超声 老年男性 

目的:探讨老年男性2型糖尿病合并甲状腺结节患者的超声特征.方法:选择老年男性2型糖尿病住院患者和体检健康老年男性各200例,采用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪探查甲状腺结节的影像学特征.结果:老年男性2型糖尿病患者甲状腺结节检出率明显高于健康老年男性(P< 0.01),老年男性2型糖尿病患者出现甲状腺结节形态、边界、内部回声、微钙化等特征变化的比例明显高于健康老年男性(均P< 0.01). 结论:老年男性2型糖尿病患者甲状腺结节形态和内部结构改变的超声诊断特征明显,早期检查可及早发现病变,提高患者的生存质量.

Objective: To evaluate the sonographic features of thyroid nodules in elderly male patients with type 2 diabetes.Methods: Two hundred elderly male patients with type 2 diabetes and 200 healthy male were selected. The sonographic features of thyroid nodules were detected by color Doppler ultrasound. Results: The prevalence of thyroid nodules in elderly male patients with type 2 diabetes was significantly higher than that in healthy older men(P <0.01). The change rate of sonographic characteristics in elderly male patients with type 2 diabetes was significantly greater than that in healthy older men(all P <0.01), such as the shape, border, internal echo and microcalcifications. Conclusion: Ultrasound diagnostic features of shape and internal structure change of thyroid nodules in elderly men with type 2 diabetes are remarkable. It is important to investigate the ultrasonic characteristics earlier for early detection of thyroid nodules and improvement of the quality of life.


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