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作者:刘梦璇  马莉  何岁勤  陈文君  马翔 
单位:大连医科大学附属第一医院 眼科, 辽宁 大连 116011
关键词:叶黄素 MIO-M1细胞 氧化损伤 细胞迁移 


Objective:To investigate the effect of different concentrations of lutein on viability and migration of human Müller cell line MIO-M1cells under hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced oxidative stress. Methods:MIO-M1 cells were randomly divided into control group, H2O2 group and co-treatment(lutein+H2O2) group. The viability and migration of MIO-M1 cells which were treated with different concentrations of H2O2 and co-treatment with lutein were analyzed by MTT assay and modified wound scratch assay.Results:MTT assay showed that the viability of MIO-M1 cells was significantly decreased in the H2O2 group compared with the control group. The viability of MIO-M1 cells in co-treatment group were significantly increased compared with the H2O2 group(all P<0.05).Modified wound scratch assay indicated that the migration rate of MIO-M1 cells was significantly decreased in the H2O2 group compared with control group. The migration rate of MIO-M1 cells in co-treatment group was significantly increased compared with H2O2 group(all P<0.05). Conclusion:Lutein can protect the viability and migration of MIO-M1cells from H2O2-induced oxidative stress.


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