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作者:权兴苗  徐立伟  宋春侠  刘经州  刘玉兰 
单位:承德医学院附属医院 中医科, 河北 承德 067000
关键词:围绝经期综合征 肝肾阴虚 滋阴平肝补肾自拟方 针灸 


Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Ziyin Pinggan Bushen decoction with acupuncture in patients with perimenopausal syndrome of liver and kidney Yin deficiency. Methods: 104 patients were randomly divided into prescription control group, acupuncture control group and combination group. The prescription control group was treated with Ziyin Pinggan Bushen decoction. Acupuncture treatment was performed in the acupuncture control group. The combination group was treated with Ziyin Pinggan Bushen decoction and acupuncture treatment. Score of Kupperman and points of liver and kidney Yin deficient syndrome were used to evaluate before and after trentment, and levels of serum E2, FSH and LH were detected before and after treatment. Results: After treatment, both score of Kupperman and points of liver and kidney Yin deficient syndrome were lower than before treatment(P<0.05). The combination group was significantly better than the prescription control group and the acupuncture control group(P<0.05). Compared with before treatment, levels of serum E2 in the three groups were increased significantly (P<0.05), and levels of FSH and LH were decreased significantly (P<0.05). The level of serum E2 in the combination group was significantly higher than that in the prescription control group and the acupuncture control group (P<0.05), and the level of FSH was significantly lower than that in the prescription control group and the acupuncture control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Ziyin Pinggan Bushen decoction cooperated with acupuncture can relieve the clinical symptoms of liver and kidney Yin deficient perimenopausal syndrome, and effectively improve the level of serum E2 and reduce level of serum FSH and LH in patients with perimenopausal syndrome.


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