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作者:唐柏  方婷婷  张钰群 
单位:南京中医药大学 护理学院, 江苏 南京 210023
关键词:大学生 冲动性网络购物 心理状况 生活满意度 


Objective: To explore the influencing factors of college students' impulsive online shopping so as to provide guidance for their healthy life. Methods: Several scales, including Life Satisfaction Scales Applicable to College Students(CSLSS), Toronto Alexithymia Scale(TAS-20), Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS), Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7(GAD7) were used to assess the symptoms. Results: The scores of CSLSS(r=0.253, P<0.01), TAS-20(r=0.334, P<0.01), GAD-7(r=0.281, P<0.01) and PHQ-9(r=0.287, P<0.01) were all significantly positively correlated with the scores of impulsive online shopping, but there was no statistical significance between social support and impulsive online shopping. Conclusion: The impulsive online shopping of college students is influenced by life satisfaction, alexithymia, social support, and depression and anxiety. College students' mental health and impulsive online shopping should be paid more attention.


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