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作者:陈莉  岳慧玲 
单位:上海交通大学医学院 附属第六人民医院, 上海 200233
关键词:腰椎间盘突出症 家属主照顾者 影响因素 照顾负担 应对方式 相关性 
分类号:R681.53; R681.57

目的: 探讨腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)患者家属主照顾者照顾负担相关因素。方法: 选取2020年6月至2021年8月我院200例LDH患者家属主照顾者,术后1个月统计LDH患者家属主照顾者Zarit护理负担量表(ZBI)评分、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)评分,多元线性回归方程分析LDH患者家属主照顾者照顾负担影响因素。结果: (1) LDH患者家属主照顾者ZBI总分、消极应对评分高于全国常模,积极应对低于全国常模(P<0.05);(2)多元线性回归分析显示,主照顾者的文化程度、家庭平均月收入、积极应对、照料时间、慢性疾病是LDH患者家属主照顾者照顾负担影响因素,LDH患者合并马尾神经损伤、自理能力是LDH患者家属主照顾者照顾负担影响因素(P<0.05)。结论: LDH患者家属主照顾者照顾负担相对重,且影响因素众多,建议护理工作者积极鼓励文化程度低、照料时间长、合并慢性疾病患者积极应对生活,改善家庭功能,减轻照顾负担。

Objective: To explore the factors related to the burden of care for family primary caregivers of lumbar disc herniation(LDH). Methods: Two hundred family primary caregivers of LDH patients in our hospital from June 2020 to August 2021 were selected, and the Zarit caregiver burden interview(ZBI) scores and simple coping style questionnaire(SCSQ) scores of family primary caregivers of LDH patients were counted at 1 month after surgery, and the factors influencing the caregiving burden of family primary caregivers of LDH patients were analyzed by multiple linear regression equations. Results: (1) The total scores of ZBI and negative coping scores of primary caregivers of LDH patients were higher than the national norm, while the positive coping score was lower than the national norm(P<0.05);(2) Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the caregiver's education level, the average monthly family income, active coping, caring time and chronic disease were the influencing factors of the family primary caregiver's burden of LDH patients, and LDH patients with cauda equina nerve injury and self-care ability were the influencing factors of the family primary caregiver's burden of LDH patients(P<0.05). Conclusion: The family primary caregiver burden of LDH patients is relatively serious, and the influencing factors are numerous. It is suggested that nursing workers actively encourage the patients with low education level, long nursing time and complicated chronic diseases to actively cope with life, improve family function and reduce the burden of care.


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