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作者:刘博1  王运菊1  刘孟彬2  尚丽1  黄卉1 
单位:1. 十堰市人民医院 产科, 湖北 十堰 442000;
2. 武汉亚心总医院 妇科, 湖北 武汉 430056
关键词:子痫前期 miR-299 miR-23a 诊断 预后 


Objective: To explore the application value of peripheral blood miR-299 and miR-23a in the diagnosis of preeclampsia(PE) patients and their prognostic evaluation. Methods: A total of 84 PE patients who visited Shiyan People's Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023 were retrospectively selected as the study subjects(observation group), and 73 normal pregnant women were randomly selected as the control group. The expression levels of miR-299 and miR-23a in serum were detected. Multivariate Logistic regression model was applied to analyze the influencing factors of PE in pregnant women. Receiver operating characteristic curve was applied to analyze the diagnostic value of miR-299 and miR-23a for PE; Kaplan-Meier method was applied to analyze the impact of miR-299 and miR-23a expression levels on pregnancy survival in the observation group. Results: The levels of miR-299 and miR-23a in the serum of the observation group(3.13±0.84, 1.94±0.55) were obviously higher than those of the control group(2.34±0.73, 1.47±0.43)(P<0.05). Logistic regression showed miR-299 and miR-23a levels were risk factors for PE development(P<0.05). The diagnostic results of miR-299 combined with miR-23a were superior to any individual analysis(Zcombination-miR-299=2.067, P=0.038; Zcombination-miR-23a=2.086, P=0.037). The mortality rate of patients with high expression of miR-299 and miR-23a was obviously higher than that of the low expression(P<0.05). Conclusion: The expression levels of miR-299 and miR-23a in the serum of PE patients are both up-regulated, the combination of the two has certain diagnostic value for PE, and their expression levels are closely related to the prognosis of PE patients.


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