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作者:叶奎1  耿鹏程1  陈霞1  李仁虎1  胡悦2  郑立东1 
单位:1. 安徽医科大学附属六安医院 麻醉科, 安徽 六安 237000;
2. 安徽医科大学附属六安医院 药学部, 安徽 六安 237000
关键词:经鼻高流量吸氧 肥胖 可视软镜 经鼻气管插管 预充氧 

目的: 探究经鼻高流量吸氧(HFNCI)在肥胖患者经鼻可视软镜气管插管中的应用效果。方法: 选择择期行全身麻醉下胃肠手术的肥胖患者(BMI ≥ 28 kg·m-2)75例,随机分为面罩组(M组)、HFNCI组(H组)和HFNCI复合鼻咽通气道组(H+N组),每组25例。M组予以面罩预充氧,H组和H+N组均采用HFNCI设备预充氧,待麻醉诱导完成后,所有患者均行可视软镜经鼻气管插管,记录患者在预充氧前(T0)、预充氧5 min后(T1)、经鼻插管前(T2)和插管成功后(T3)4个时间点动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)、心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)、插管时间、窒息安全时间、SpO2<95%的比例以及相关并发症发生率。结果: 与预充氧前比较,预充氧5 min后3组SpO2、PaO2升高(P<0.05),插管前3组SpO2、PaO2 升高(P<0.05);与插管前比较,插管成功后 M、H组SpO2、PaO2下降(P<0.05),PaCO2升高(P<0.05),H+N组PaO2、PaCO2下降(P<0.05)。插管成功后,与M组相比,H+N组 SpO2、PaO2 升高(P<0.05),PaCO2降低(P<0.05);与H 组相比,H+N组PaO2 升高(P<0.05),PaCO2明显下降(P<0.05)。3组插管时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与M组相比,H组和H+N组窒息安全时间明显延长(P<0.05),而H组和H+N组无差异(P>0.05);插管期间M组 SpO2<95%发生率明显高于H+N组(P<0.05);3组不良事件发生率差异无统计学意义( P >0.05)。结论: 经鼻高流量吸氧在肥胖患者经鼻可视软镜气管插管中,预充氧效果及窒息安全时间均优于传统面罩通气,且未增加相关并发症发生率。

Objective: To evaluate the effect of high flow nasal cannular insufflation(HFNCI) on video intubationscope-guided nasotracheal intubation in obese patients. Methods: Seventy-five obese patients(BMI ≥ 28 kg·m-2) undergoing gastrointestinal surgery under general anesthesia were randomized into 3 groups(n=25) to receive facemask preoxygenation followed by face mask ventilation(Group M), oxygenation with HFNCI(Group H), or preoxygenation with HFNCI combined with nasopharyngeal airway(Group H+N). In group M, nasotracheal intubation was achieved after preoxygenation and mechanical ventilation through mask. While in the group H and H+N, high-flow oxygen inhalation through the nasal catheter was performed until nasotracheal intubation was completed.For all the patients, the arterial oxygen partial pressure(PaO2), arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure(PaCO2), pulse oxygen saturation(SpO2), heart rate(HR), and mean arterial pressure(MAP), were recorded before preoxygenation(T0), at 5 min of preoxygenation(T1), before intubation(T2)and after intubation(T3). The intubation time, safety time of asphyxia, and the incidence rate of SpO2<sub> <95% were recorded. Besides, the incidence of postoperative adverse events were also recorded. Results: Compared with preoxygenation, SpO2 and PaO2 of the three groups were increased after 5 min of preoxygenation(P<0.05), SpO2 and PaO2 were increased in the three groups before intubation(P<0.05). Compared with before intubation, SpO2 and PaO2 in group M and H were decreased(P<0.05) and PaCO2 was increased(P<0.05) at after intubation, PaO2 and PaCO2 were decreased in group H+N(P<0.05). Compared with group M, SpO2 and PaO2 in group H+N were increased(P<0.05), PaCO2 was increased(P<0.05) at after intubation. The intubation time of the three groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05). Compared with group M, group H and H+N were significantly longer(P<0.05)at the safety time of asphyxia. The incidence of SpO2<95% in group M was higher than that in group H and H+N during intubation(P<0.05). There was no significant differences in adverse events among the three groups. Conclusion: HFNCI provides effective preoxygenation and longer safety time of asphyxia without increasing related complication compared with face mask ventilation during video intubationscope-guided nasotracheal intubation in obese patients.


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