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作者:董延晨1  李利利2  袁肖肖2  李燕宁2 
单位:1. 解放军联勤保障部队第九六○医院 门诊部, 山东 济南 250031;
2. 解放军联勤保障部队第九六○医院 甲状腺乳腺外科, 山东 济南 250031
关键词:乳腺癌 中青年 抑郁症 认知融合 伴侣亲密关系 


Objective: To explore the relationship between cognitive fusion, partner intimacy and depression in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: A total of 150 young and middle-aged breast cancer chemotherapy patients in our hospital from July 2022 to April 2024 were selected as the study objects, and were divided into depression group and non-depression group according to whether depression was complicated. General Information Questionnaire, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire(CFQ), marital adjustment test(MAT) were used to investigate. Multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of depression in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients with chemotherapy. Receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of the model. Results: Among 150 young and middle-aged breast cancer chemotherapy patients, 32 cases were complicated with depression, the incidence of depression was 21.33%. Logistic regression analysis showed that family per capita monthly income, clinical stage, chemotherapy course, CFQ score, MAT score were all influencing factors of depression in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients with chemotherapy(P<0.05). The ROC curve showed that the area under the curve(AUC) of the regression model with and without CFQ and MAT scores in predicting depression in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy was 0.940 and 0.766, respectively. The prediction efficiency of the regression model with CFQ and MAT scores was higher(Z=4.237, P<0.001). Conclusion: The incidence of depression in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients with chemotherapy is higher, and family per capita monthly income, clinical stage, chemotherapy course, cognitive fusion, partners intimacy are all influencing factors, and the model has high predictive value. In order to reduce the risk of depression, personalized intervention measures should be developed according to relevant factors in time.


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